Latest On OSHA’s Proposed Extension

The latest from the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C. –  The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to extend the employer’s responsibility to ensure crane operator competency and enforcement for crane operator certification to November 10, 2018. OSHA issued a final rule in September 2014, extending the deadline by three years for crane […]

Crane Experts Converge at Sampson

The Crane Certification Association of America (CCAA) held its 2016 Fall Educational Conference in Bellingham, Washington. The purpose of the Association is to promote crane safety, improve the certification profession, and address the subject of crane safety in governmental forums. This year, Samson hosted a portion of the conference, marking the first time a component manufacturer has been a host. […]

Crawford Custom Opens Nashville Location

Crawford Custom Consulting, Inc. is opening a training and inspection facility in the Nashville, TN area. We have acquired a location and have already started moving equipment in and setting up the test site. Classes will be forming soon. We are very excited about the future possibilities at this new location. Along with NCCCO certification classes and testing, we also […]

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