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Responsibilities of On-Site Personnel for Cranes

First in a series of related articles reviewing each of the roles that have been identified when working with cranes, explaining the Responsibilities, defining the training requirements, as well as outlining the documentation requirements.

Often the discussion around responsibilities of on-site personnel for cranes does not occur until an incident happens. Unfortunately, at that point, the finger pointing begins and responses such as “We aren’t crane experts! That is why we hired a crane company!” are all too common.

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Esthetics Matter: Introducing a New cCc Division

Esthetics matter.

All things being equal, we chose that which is visually pleasing.

Anyone who has been to the corporate headquarters of Crawford Custom Consulting knows that we believe that just by walking into the lobby. Rather than a workforce training center, it looks like a tastefully appointed lift industry themed micro-brewery (Hmmm, lift industry themed micro-brewery . . . ).

So when we wanted to update the livery on our vehicles, we wanted them to look exceptional, not only for esthetics, but because branding is important.

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Andreas dress eutk kevpn0 unsplash

Put A Latch On It (Stuff People Don’t Know)

Of course, you know everything there is to know about the Lift Industry, right?  Absolutely.  But just to humor yourself, read down the following list of information that folks who we have run into sometimes didn’t know, compiled in no particular order.

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Veterans Day: How to know if you or a loved one suffer from PTSD

Veterans Day is a day to give thanks to our military who have served our great country. Serving can bring mental health issues, so that is why we are bringing awareness to PTSD in our brave men and woman who have dedicated their lives to serving. How do you know if you or a loved one suffer from PTSD or complex PTSD? Watch this video by one of our own employees who has proudly served our country.

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Nathan waters j7q z9dv3zw unsplash

Responsibilities of Lift Directors

Third in a series of related articles reviewing each of the roles that have been identified when working with cranes, explaining their responsibilities, defining their training requirements, and outlining their documentation requirements.

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Sweet pics 5

Responsibilities of On-Site Personnel for Cranes

First in a series of related articles reviewing each of the roles that have been identified when working with cranes, explaining the Responsibilities, defining the training requirements, as well as outlining the documentation requirements.

Often the discussion around responsibilities of on-site personnel for cranes does not occur until an incident happens. Unfortunately, at that point, the finger pointing begins and responses such as “We aren’t crane experts! That is why we hired a crane company!” are all too common.

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Esthetics Matter: Introducing a New cCc Division

Esthetics matter.

All things being equal, we chose that which is visually pleasing.

Anyone who has been to the corporate headquarters of Crawford Custom Consulting knows that we believe that just by walking into the lobby. Rather than a workforce training center, it looks like a tastefully appointed lift industry themed micro-brewery (Hmmm, lift industry themed micro-brewery . . . ).

So when we wanted to update the livery on our vehicles, we wanted them to look exceptional, not only for esthetics, but because branding is important.

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Andreas dress eutk kevpn0 unsplash

Put A Latch On It (Stuff People Don’t Know)

Of course, you know everything there is to know about the Lift Industry, right?  Absolutely.  But just to humor yourself, read down the following list of information that folks who we have run into sometimes didn’t know, compiled in no particular order.

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Crystal huff 9o3srcbwqak unsplash

Veterans Day: How to know if you or a loved one suffer from PTSD

Veterans Day is a day to give thanks to our military who have served our great country. Serving can bring mental health issues, so that is why we are bringing awareness to PTSD in our brave men and woman who have dedicated their lives to serving. How do you know if you or a loved one suffer from PTSD or complex PTSD? Watch this video by one of our own employees who has proudly served our country.

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Nathan waters j7q z9dv3zw unsplash

Responsibilities of Lift Directors

Third in a series of related articles reviewing each of the roles that have been identified when working with cranes, explaining their responsibilities, defining their training requirements, and outlining their documentation requirements.

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