Crawford Custom FAQ's

Do I have to have crane experience to take Crawford Custom training courses?

Unfortunately we are not a crane school for beginners. It is strongly recommenced that candidates have experience in the crane and lift industry.  The NCCCO and Qualified courses Crawford Custom offers are made to enhance ones career and obtain the necessary licensing and/or certifications to safely operate various cranes and lifts.  

What time do your classes usually start?

Classes start at 8:00 am and usually run until 4:00 pm.

Are there any hotels close by?

Yes, and we have their information listed on our Hotels page. When you get here, we also have brochures that list restaurants, grocery and retail stores, along with local attractions.

What do I need to bring with me to class?

We supply everything that you will need for the written portion of the course.  For the practical exam and for the practice time on the equipment, you must have proper work attire (pants, work boots, hard hat, etc.) NO ONE will be permitted to operate the equipment without proper PPE.

How can I get my state crane operator license?

We have some forms you may need as well as information on what to expect on our State & City Licensing page. 

Where can I get an NCCCO application?

We have general applications available on our Download Application page. Or you can fillout an online submission in the class date of your choice. Visit the course schedule to learn more. Please note that all NCCCO applications are due two weeks prior to the scheduled class you wish to take. 

Can any of the training classes be delivered at my site?

Yes! Our NCCCO and Qualified classes are some of our most popular courses so it’s natural that these are also popular with our on-site courses as well.  Let us know the equipment you have and we’ll customize a program to meet your exact needs. Give us a call at 1-877-933-9600 to schedule you’re on-site course. 

How do I register for a scheduled training course?

You can register by clicking the yellow “Course Schedule” above or click here, choose your preferred course and fill out the online submission form. Or you can download the appropriate application, then, carefully fill out the application and fax, email or mail to Crawford Custom.  DO NOT send to NCCCO directly. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 814-333-9600 or ccci@crawfordcustom.com.  

Where is Crawford Custom Consulting located?

Our headquarters is located in beautiful Western Pennsylvania in a quaint town called Meadville.  We hold various classes in PA as well as Spring Hill TN and Lakewood NJ.  For addresses or direction, please visit our contact page

Does Crawford Custom offer financial assistance or payment options?

At this time we do not offer either payment options or financial assistance.  

What forms of payment does Crawford Custom accept?

We accept Visa, Discover, Master Card and American Express. Checks and money orders are also accepted, made payable to Crawford Custom Consulting.  

NCCCO Certified FAQ's

You can also find more in depth answers to these questions at NCCCO.org

Who or what is the NCCCO?


NCCCO was formed in January 1995 as a non-profit organization with its mission to develop effective performance standards for safe load handling equipment operation to assist all segments of general industry and construction. By providing thorough, independent assessments of knowledge and skills, NCCCO aims to enhance lifting equipment safety, reduce workplace risk, improve performance records, stimulate training, and give due recognition to the professionals who work in, with, and around load handling equipment.

The establishment of NCCCO was the culmination of almost 10 years’ continuous work by representatives of all industries that use load handling equipment. In essence, CCO programs were developed by industry for industry, and they continue to be supported by it. This diversity continues to be reflected through NCCCO’s Commissioners and Board of Directors, who represent such groups as contractors, labor unions, rental firms, owners, government, regulatory and standards-setting agencies, steel erectors, manufacturers, equipment distributors, construction firms, training consultants, and insurance companies.

The wealth of load handling equipment knowledge these experts have brought to this effort has been coupled with NCCCO’s psychometric expertise, which plays a crucial role in the development of CCO programs as well as in the administration and further development of CCO written and practical examinations. This combination of load handling equipment–related experience and exam development knowledge has been supplemented with input from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) as well as the ANSI/ASME committees that developed and revise the B30 standard. The result is a sound, valid, and effective tests of operators’ and associated trades’ proficiency.

Clearly, everyone—employers, operators, and the general public—has much to gain from ensuring only qualified people operate in and around load handling equipment. You’ll find much more information about the NCCCO program at nccco.org.

NCCCO Mission

To develop effective performance standards for those who work in and around load handling equipment; provide fair, valid, and reliable assessments of their knowledge and skill; and act as an authoritative industry resource of related information.

NCCCO Vision

A global lifting environment in which safety is enhanced by reducing load handling equipment and related risks, improving performance records, and stimulating training.

Who is involved in the development of NCCCO's certification programs?

CCO programs are industry-driven programs, with those that work in and around equipment playing a central role; other stakeholders such as owners, manufacturers, operating engineers, and related trades have also participated in developing these programs. Subject matter experts who volunteer their time and expertise for the development and maintenance of CCO programs come from construction, steel erection, petrochemicals, energy, and general industry backgrounds, as well as training, manufacturing, insurance, OSHA, and the IUOE.


In 2020, CEO and Vice President of Crawford Custom Consulting, Brian Hough, was a part of the NCCCO telehandler Operator task force where NCCCO selected 26 industry experts to develop a new certification program for operators of telehandlers.

How does certification benefit employers and those who work in and around load handling equipment?

Because of the sound methodology employed at all stages of program development, employers can be assured that individuals carrying CCO certification cards have demonstrated they possess the necessary fundamental knowledge and skills, without relying on subjective recommendations or judgment. In turn, those who earn the distinction of the CCO credential can take satisfaction that their skills have been recognized by an independent, accredited, professional authority.

What does it mean to be CCO-certified?

All certified load handling equipment operators are not necessarily CCO-certified. Only NCCCO can provide the widely adopted and recognized CCO certification. While there are other companies that seek to certify load handling equipment operators, only one organization—the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO)—provides CCO certification. For nearly 25 years, successful completion of the CCO certification requirements has informed the world that a load handling equipment operator is certified to the high standards of NCCCO. Both “NCCCO” and “CCO” are federally registered trademarks owned by NCCCO and used in connection with education testing and certification.

How does the work of NCCCO elate to ASME/ANSI B30 standards?

NCCCO certification programs are specifically built around the ASME/ANSI B30 standards and OSHA regulations. OSHA has officially recognized NCCCO programs as meeting its requirements for load handling equipment operator qualification and will accept CCO certification as proof of training. The presence of CCO-certified professionals on site also positions employers well to qualify for OSHA’s “focused inspection.”

How is the content of the tests determined?

Subject matter experts from all sectors of the industry determine what skills are required for each certification designation to perform their duties safely. Comprehensive reviews of the work performed by various types of operators, signalpersons, riggers, crane inspectors, and lift directors (i.e., “job analyses”) are conducted, and the results validated by several hundred experts across the country. Examination questions are all based on the specific knowledge that those in the field considered critical to safe operation. To ensure fairness and reliability, professional standards of test development have been developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). CCO written and practical examinations are accredited by ANSI.

Is CCO certification mandatory?

NCCCO was initially developed in 1995 as a voluntary certification program. Since then, several states and cities initiated their own credentialing requirements that adopt CCO certification. However, in 2010, Federal OSHA published new construction regulations requiring load handling equipment operator certification/qualification nationwide. This deadline for load handling equipment operators to be certified was subsequently extended several times until it finally took effect on November 10, 2018. Although the rule does provide options, third-party certification, such as that provided by NCCCO, is likely to be the most cost-effective and accessible method used to meet the new requirements. Additionally, many employers had already made CCO certification mandatory for employment.

Several states and cities have licensing requirements. How is CCO certification different?

Licensing by itself does not necessarily ensure an individual possesses necessary skills and knowledge. Some state and city programs do not any testing, for example. CCO certification functions as a positive supplement to current licensing programs and is increasingly being adopted or recognized by others, either in place of or as a prerequisite to obtaining a license. All states that have developed licensing programs since NCCCO was established have adopted or recognized CCO certification. Feel free to visit our State by State Crane Licensing page to learn more about your home state. 

Can CCO certification be withdrawn?

Yes, CCO certification can be withdrawn, upon direction of the Ethics and Discipline Committee, for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, the following:

• Certification period exceeded without renewal.

• Falsification by candidate of any information on documents submitted to NCCCO or its agent.

• Evidence of non-compliance with NCCCO’s substance abuse policy.

• Evidence of culpability in an accident during the certification period.

• Evidence of non-compliance with the Code of Ethics.

What is required for CCO certification?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

Do operators of service truck need to be certified?

The issue of whether certification is required is a question for the employer. Note, however, that the B30.5 mobile crane standard covers all mobile telescopic cranes above one ton capacity. Further, OSHA requires all operators of equipment be trained in their safe use. CCO certification can serve as an effective, legally-defensible verification that training received was effective.

How long is the certification period?

CCO certification is issued for five-year periods. As a courtesy, a reminder of the need to recertify is sent to certificants approximately one year prior to their certification’s expiration date. If additional certifications are obtained during the five-year period, they will share the same certification cycle and expiration date.

Where can I find general information on each of the programs?

You can visit our NCCCO Certification page to read about each of our training courses along with the option to download your candidate application.

What is the timeframe for passing all of my exams for certification?

Most CCO certification programs require successful completion of both written and corresponding practical exams (if applicable), to be completed within 12 months of each other (but can be taken in any order).


Candidates who do not take and pass all exams within the 12-month timeframe will be required to start the certification process again from the beginning. However, any tests passed within the previous 12 months will still count towards certification. For example, if a candidate passes the Written Core Exam in January 2018 and the Practical Exam in June 2018 but has not passed the corresponding written specialty by January 2019, then the candidate would need to retake the Written Core exam, but the Practical exam would be good until June 2019. Because of the number and intensity of the Lift Director Certification exams, candidates are permitted 24-months to pass the required exams to earn certification

How far ahead can I apply to take a test?

Ccandidate applications must be received by NCCCO no later than two weeks prior to the test date. Any candidate application received within two weeks of the test date is subject to a $50 late fee. However, there is an absolute cut-off date of four business days prior to the test, after which no applications can be processed.

What is the exam cancellation policy?

Should a candidate be unable to sit for the examination for any reason, NCCCO must receive email notification at candidate@nccco.org no later than seven business days prior to the examination date. Candidates will receive a refund of exam fees paid within 30 days of the cancellation, minus a $25 cancellation fee.


Candidates wishing to cancel after the deadline or not sitting for the examination will forfeit all application fees and will NOT receive a refund.


What if I need to cancel unexpectedly?

Only the following situations will be accepted as grounds for cancelling after the deadline (seven business days before scheduled exam):

• Called to work—supporting documentation required: letter from employer

• Candidate illness—supporting documentation required: doctor’s note

• Family death—supporting documentation required: death certificate or obituary notice

Emergency-related requests require submission of a letter describing the situation. Full name, address, and Candidate ID/CCO Certification number must be included along with the scheduled test date, written test administration number, and supporting documentation indicated above. Submissions should be sent to: candidate@nccco.org.


NCCCO MUST receive written notification and supporting documentation within seven business days after the scheduled examination date or all application fees will be forfeited.


If the request is approved, candidates will receive a refund of exam fees paid within 30 days of the approval, minus a $25 cancellation fee.

What is the policies on the use of calculators?

Are calculators permitted on certification exams?
Yes, but on certain exams only. Calculators are supplied for Mobile Crane Operator Specialty Exams (not Core), Digger Derrick Operator exams, Rigger Level II exams, Lift Director—Mobile Cranes, Lift Director—Tower Cranes, and Mobile Crane Inspector exams.


Why did NCCCO change its policy on calculator use for Mobile exams?
The change in policy is based on the results of a study commissioned by NCCCO. The study, The Effects of Calculator Use During NCCCO Testing, concluded that, while the use of calculators would not be appropriate for use on basic math questions such as those contained in CCO Core exams, their use would be supportable on load chart calculations used on CCO Specialty exams.


May I use my own calculator to test?
No. If policy allows calculator use for the exam you are taking, the calculator will be provided. You will not be permitted to use your own calculator or a calculator on a cell phone.


Am I required to use the calculator on the exam?
No. Although NCCCO allows the use of calculators on certain exams, candidates are not required to do so and may choose to test without the use of the calculator.


What type of calculator is supplied?
For paper/pencil testing a basic four-function calculator is provided by the Chief Examiner who administers the exam. For computer-based testing (CBT) an on-screen basic computer calculator is available.

I am running out of time to take my exams within the 12 months. Can I apply for an extension?

There is normally no “grace period” after the 12-month period has expired. However, in some special circumstances candidates seeking more time may apply for extensions. Extensions may be granted to candidates for the practical examination only. To review the terms and obtain a copy of the Practical Exam Extension Request Form, please visit NCCCO’s Handbooks and Forms page.  

How long does the review process for extensions take?

Once an extension request form is received, the approval process will take up to two weeks. To avoid potential processing delays, ensure that all requested documentation accompanies your request.

When will I receive my exam score?

Once exams are completed, Examiners submit all candidate paperwork to NCCCO for off-site scoring. NCCCO scores the exams and mails examination results to candidates. Results are available approximately 12 business days after the exam date for written exams.  Practical exam results are available within approximately 12 business days after receipt of the exams by NCCCO.


My employer wants a copy of my test results. How do I get a duplicate copy of my scores?
Examination results may be released only to the candidate in question. It is up to the candidate to provide exam information as needed for employment or record keeping purposes. However an employer may request verification of a candidate’s certification status at any time.


I want to know why I did not pass my written exam. Is there someone who can help me?
Candidates receive a strength and weakness report indicating the area(s) that they may need to brush up on. Candidates not passing the written exams may request a hand-scoring of the answer sheet, provided the request is made in writing within three months of the test date. There is a $25 fee for one failed test scoring and $50 for two or more test scores per test administration. In the event that the hand scoring results in a passing score, the hand-scoring fee(s) will be refunded in full. 

If I do not pass my exams am I allowed to test again?

Initial candidates are allowed to take exams as many times as necessary for successful completion. Recertification candidates adhere to different guidelines (please see Recertification section).

How long is the waiting period before I can retest?

Candidates who do not pass a written exam and need to retake the same exam in order to certify or recertify, must wait four (4) weeks to retake the same exam.

Candidates who need to retake practical exams do not have a waiting period; they may simply work with a practical examiner to schedule at a time that is convenient.


Why is there a waiting period?

It is important that each candidate be tested fairly. This policy prevents candidates who are retesting from having an unfair advantage on an exam because they are already familiar with the content. Requiring a waiting period after a failed exam is best practice in the certification industry and utilized by most certification bodies that offer professional accreditations.


I failed my Mobile Crane Operator Specialty exam.  May I retest sooner than four (4) weeks?

Candidates who must retake a Mobile Crane Operator Specialty exam already have the option of taking the exam using a different load chart. For instance, a candidate who failed a Lattice Boom Truck (LBT) exam using the Link-Belt load chart may either wait four (4) weeks to retake the same exam or, without a waiting period, take the LBT exam using the Manitowoc load chart. This is true of all Mobile Crane Operator Specialty exams.

I failed my recertification exam and my certification expires before I’m permitted to retest; can I get an extension?

Certificants who fail a recertification exam and whose expiration date does not permit them to wait four (4) weeks to retest will be required to apply for full-length (initial) exams. Extensions cannot be granted on recertification. Retaking the full-length exam can be done at any paper/pencil or CBT test administration since it does not require an alternate form. Certificants are reminded that they may start the recertification process up to 12 months prior to their expiration date without “losing time” on their certification.



Make sure you complete and submit the current application.  All applications listed here are current. All files are PDF, so you need Acrobat Reader to view and print.

Download your application below, check out our course schedule and be sure to email or fax your carefully written application one week prior to the start of your chosen date. 

Email: application@crawfordcustom.com

Fax: 814-336-3333

Mail: 11139 Cutter Rd., Meadville, PA16335

DO NOT submit application directly to NCCCO!

When submitting your application, please include:

  1. Date (class) you plan on attending
  2. Payment method (application deposit only or full payment)
  3. Check or money orders made payable to Crawford Custom Consulting

Crawford Custom Consulting, Inc. fully endorses the national certification program offered by the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Opertators (NCCCO) and provides training to prepare candidates for the NCCCO tests. 


According to NCCCO website,  currently, the below listed 16 states and 7 cities have licensing requirements for crane operators.  Administrative procedures change periodically; please ensure you contact the appropriate authority to ensure you have the latest information.  Click the links below for state-specific requirements. 


Please note that any state regulations are in addition to the federal guidelines.  Crane operators in all 50 state are required to hold a nationally accredited crane operator license as well as be qualified to operate the crane at their work sites.  Looking to be NCCCO certified?  Crawford Custom is an NCCCO certified written and practical testing site. 


*It is essential that you check with your local government and confirm that the information listed here is up-to-date with relevant details.  This information is meant to be a tool to help you figure out what type of license you need to operate certain types of equipment. If you have any question please contact us at 814-333-9600 or toll free 1-877-933-9600




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