True inspection services

With over 50 years work history, Crawford Custom Consulting offers true third-party inspections nationwide in the lifting industry.  Our NCCCO certified inspectors are trained, competent, and qualified per OSHA Law and ANSI/ASME standards.

Inspection Frequency:



A load test is required for all new equipment whenever any alterations or modification has been made, and when he crane has been out of service.  Load testing is one of the most critical aspects of crane safety.  It ensures that the crane can be safely operated for a specific load while being compliant with government regulations. 


The following information is directly from OSHA 1910.179:


• Prior to initial use all new and altered cranes shall be tested to insure compliance with this section including the following functions:

– Hoisting and lowering

– Trolley travel

– Bridge travel

– Limit switches, locking and safety devices


• The trip setting of hoist limit switches shall be determine by test with an empty hook traveling in increasing speeds up to the maximum speed.  The actuating mechanism of the limit switch shall be located so that it will trip the switch, under all conditions, in sufficient time to prevent contact of the hook or hook block with any part of the trolley.


As per OSHA 1910.179(k)(2), our test loads do not exceed 125% of the maximum rated load unless specifically noted by the crane manufacturer.  A written report furnished by Crawford Custom will be issued. 

Yellow crane ccc truck


Crawford Custom can help “make” the leaders in your organization more effective and thus your organization more effective.  Why choose Crawford Custom Consulting for your Leader Development training?  Three things set us apart:

  • Our Instructors

    Our instructors are not only experienced in teaching leadership, but how have been leaders in the military, education and industry. We will not Powerpoint you to death. We will teach utilizing our own experiences and those of the class participants in an invigorating discussion-based format.

  • Teaching Techniques

    We teach simple, fundamental truths on how to be a good leader and give tools to help the participants utilize those truths in their role as leaders. We are not trying to convince anyone of our pet theories or sell books. We stay focused on what has worked throughout history.

  • Team Learning

    We utilize group activities, not just as "add ons" or time fillers, but as core components of the learning experience. That they are fun and great team building activities we throw in free of charge. Because participants in the class "experience" the material, what they learn stays with them.

Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.
Vince Lombardi
American Football Coach


The short answer is that Crawford Custom Consulting offers what the client needs. By that we mean, as our name states, we will customize the leader development training to meet the needs of the client’s leaders and business, to include delivering the training in a manner that best meets the client’s needs and has the least impact on operations. We are happy to work with the client to develop, package and deliver the training that meets their needs. 


CCC does, of course, have an ever-expanding menu of topics that have been developed and delivered that have become client favorites. These would include topics such as: Employee Performance Coaching, Effective Personal Communication, Leadership and Personality (always a favorite), Responsibility and Accountability, Management By Walking Around, Team Leading Procedures, Getting The Most Out of Meetings, and Sales Strategies for Technical Professionals.


Though we are always open to developing new material and modifying existing material to meet the client’s needs, we do have some fairly standardized schools that have been popular:

  • Supervisor's School (Two 7 Hour Days)

    Supervisor's School is a short day and a half long (and again these can be delivered to fit the needs of the client.  "Day" is merely used to denote approximately 7 to 7 1/2 hours of training) school.  Although useful for anyone this school gives the rising or brand new fist line supervisor some skills that will enhance their confidence and effectiveness in a brief, but effective experience .

  • Leadership School (4.5 Days)

    Leadership school is an approximately 4 1/2 hour day long experience useful for anyone who supervises people. While the Supervisor's School is an excellent introduction to the material in this School, the Leadership School is very effective as a stand-alone course and completing the Supervisor's School is not a pre-requisite.

  • Advanced Leadership School ( 3 Days)

    Advanced Leadership School is about 3 days and picks up where Leadership School left off, revising, and expanding on some of what was discussed in that school, as well as, adding topics appropriate for middle, upper middle and senior managers. It is suggested that the participants in this course have previously completed the Leadership School.

Any of these schools can be mated to propriety training done by the client or the other safety/technical training offered by Crawford Custom Consulting to create the training experience that will bring the client the highest possible return for every training dollar invested.


And make no mistake, training is an investment in a business’s employees and good training makes a difference.  Great training like Crawford Custom Consulting delivers can be a game changer. 

Customized Training Development


Download this list of leadership development topics to stimulate the design phase of the training. 

Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.
Harry S. Truman
33rd United States President

One Week Leader School


Download this sample of what one week of leader school topics, exercises, activities and planning could look like.  

Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Thomas Edison
Inventor and Businessman


One of the most difficult question any business has to ask is “what’s next?”  In the absence of a crystal ball, business can’t see into the future to determine what their next steps should be.  cCc utilizes a brief, effective Strategic Planning format that only takes about a day and half to complete and will give the leaders the information they need to make informed choices about the direction(s) the organization should take.


A question every leader should constantly ask themselves is “where can this organization improve, what need to change?” Organizations often retain legacy processes and procedures that are no longer serving the organization well.  


cCc can help evaluate where there are opportunities for improvement and can create innovative solutions to address those issues.  cCc has experience developing a wide variety of simple, effective, quality driven processes such as on-boarding process, shift change protocols, employee coaching policies and others.  Our network of subject matter experts has the skill set to assist with a multitude of issues to improve the performance of most any organizaiton.


Good teamwork leads to more effective organization.


How can an organization build strong teams?  

That’s easily answered, Call Crawford Custom Consulting!


From half day team building sessions to multiple day retreats, and other structured actives, cCc has the experience to design and facilitate effective, cost conscious team building experiences that will develop effective teams and that will fit into your operations schedule and your training budget. Plus, we throw in the fun for free.  


For specific difficult interpersonal conflicts cCc also offers a certified Conflict Mediation Facilitator-Trainer who can work with individuals or groups to try and resolve differences.

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
Andrew Carnegie
Industrialist and Philanthropist

Leaders and organizations doesn’t get better all by themselves. It takes hard work.  

The good news is Crawford Custom has done much of the work already.  

If your looking to improve in a timely and cost-efficient manner, give us a call!


The goal of a safety program is to protect your workers from actual hazards and from any potentially significant risks, and also establish compliance with both federal and state OSHA standards. Creating an effective safety program for your company requires five key elements. 
Management commitment to safety is essential, and your safety program needs to be an integral part of your company’s management system. Commitment to safety is demonstrated by the following factors:
  • Management Commitment

  • A Hazard Assessment Process

  • Safety Rules and Work Procedures

  • Safety Training

  • Safety Performance Tracking and Improvement

Sweet pics 5


Crawford Custom Consulting is working on bringing you the most comprehensive Safety Program. Look for this NEW and IMPROVED program coming soon.



We are affiliated with safety equipment companies that offer great products.  Embroidery and company logo printing is available on some products.  Just check out our store…

Disclosure: Some links in our store are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, we receive a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.  Crawford Custom Consulting likes to offer as many products at your disposal to help your business run smoothly and safely.


Accident investigations help determine how and why failure occur and can provide valuable lessons learned. 

While training and the application of OSHA regulations, procedures, and policies are pivotal to prevention of work related accidents and injuries, accidents still happen. 


Crane and rigging accidents are commonly attributed to one of the following:

  • Crane Tip Over or Collapse

  • Contact with Overhead PowerLines

  • Personnel Struck by Crane or Load

Crawford Custom Consulting is an independent third-party inspection company. Our investigators can provide an unbiased assessment and provide written and photographic reports detailing contributing factors to the accident.  This is a very critical step to ensure that the actual cause is established – so that can help in avoiding future accidents.

Crane accident investigation

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