But, what exactly is NCCCO? According to their website, the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operator  was formed in January 1995 as a non-profit organization with its mission to develop effective performance standards for safe load handling equipment operation to assist all segments of general industry and construction. 



By providing thorough, independent assessments of knowledge and skills, NCCCO aims to enhance lifting equipment safety, reduce workplace risk, improve performance records, stimulate training, and give due recognition to the professionals who work in, with, and around load handling equipment.



The establishment of NCCCO was the culmination of almost 10 years’ continuous work by representatives of all industries that use load handling equipment. In essence, CCO programs were developed by industry for industry, and they continue to be supported by it. This combination of load handling equipment–related experience and exam development knowledge has been supplemented with input from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) as well as the ANSI/ASME committees that developed and revise the B30 standard. The result is a sound, valid, and effective tests of operators’ and associated trades’ proficiency.



Clearly, everyone—employers, operators, and the general public—has much to gain from ensuring only qualified people operate in and around load handling equipment. You’ll find much more information about the NCCCO program here.

Crawford Custom Consulting is a certified NCCCO written and practical testing site. Our instructors and examiners are all NCCCO certified. 


Looking for customized training for your employees?  We can accommodate any class size at one of our facilities or yours. Just contact our friendly crew today. 

But, what exactly is NCCCO? According to their website, the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operator  was formed in January 1995 as a non-profit organization with its mission to develop effective performance standards for safe load handling equipment operation to assist all segments of general industry and construction. By providing thorough, independent assessments of knowledge and skills, NCCCO aims to enhance lifting equipment safety, reduce workplace risk, improve performance records, stimulate training, and give due recognition to the professionals who work in, with, and around load handling equipment.


The establishment of NCCCO was the culmination of almost 10 years’ continuous work by representatives of all industries that use load handling equipment. In essence, CCO programs were developed by industry for industry, and they continue to be supported by it. This combination of load handling equipment–related experience and exam development knowledge has been supplemented with input from the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) as well as the ANSI/ASME committees that developed and revise the B30 standard. The result is a sound, valid, and effective tests of operators’ and associated trades’ proficiency.


Clearly, everyone—employers, operators, and the general public—has much to gain from ensuring only qualified people operate in and around load handling equipment. You’ll find much more information about the NCCCO program here.


Crawford Custom Consulting is a certified NCCCO written and practical testing site. Our instructors and examiners are all NCCCO certified. 


Looking for customized training for your employees?  We can accommodate any class size at our facilities or yours. Just contact our friendly crew today. 

Training for CCO Certification


If you have any questions about the application process or your a company looking for customized certification for your employees, feel free to contact us for more information at 814-333-9600 or ccci@crawfordcustom.com. 

If you have any questions about the application process or your a company looking for customized certification for your employees, feel free to contact us for more information at 814-333-9600 or ccci@crawfordcustom.com. 

Training starts at $2,200

Class is open to both new and recertification candidates, with operating experience.

 The Certified Mobile Crane Operator Class is designed to prepare experienced operators for their certification test. Our class offers an in-depth look at laws, regulations and knowledge to prepare candidates for the NCCCO Mobile Crane Operator Certification exams. The class is conducted over a period of four days, three days of training and one day of testing. The class includes training, written, and practical testing.

Classroom training runs from 8am to 4pm each day. Candidates will have ample time to familiarize and practice, hands-on, with the machines throughout the week. Additional hands-on training is available to candidates if desired, at an additional cost. Please contact our sales team to discuss additional hands-on training.

The following items are required for Practical Exams:

Hard Hat |  Work Boots  |  Photo ID


The following is included in the Mobile Crane Operator Training forNCCCO at our facility:

• Written Examination preparation course

• Written Examination

• Practical Examination

• Daily Inspection

• Crane Set-up

• Leveling the Crane

• OSHA & ASME Standards

• Operating Practices

• Static/Dynamic Load

• Center of Gravity

• Radius, Boom Length, Boom Angles

• Stability

• Side Loading

• Load Chart Interpretations & Calculations

• Multiple Crane Lifts

• Pick & Carry Practices

• Outrigger Usage

• Wire Rope

• Safe Rigging Practices

• Rigging & Hardware Practices

• Personnel Platforms

• Critical Lifts

• Hand and Radio Signals


For additional information on the NCCCO Tower Crane Operator certification please contact our training department today.  There are two ways to register: 1) Download your corresponding application below and submit via email, fax or mail or 2) Apply online. Any way you prefer to register, please submit your application one week prior to class start.     

Training starts at $2,100

Class is open to both new and recertification candidates, with operating experience.

The Certified Crane Inspector Class is designed to prepare experienced industry professionals for their certification test. Our class offers an in-depth look at laws, regulations and knowledge to prepare candidates for the NCCCO Crane Inspector Certification exams. The class is conducted over a period of four days, three days of training and one day of testing.

Classroom training runs from 8am to 4pm each day and covers OSHA and ASME standards and laws as well as load and capacity calculation, inspection criteria, practice exams and scenarios and much more.

For more information about how to get registered for the Certified Crane Inspector class, please contact our training department today or download your corresponding application below and submit two weeks prior to class start!

Candidate Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must demonstrate at least five years of crane-related experience before they will be eligible to apply for the inspector certification. A completed experience form must be submitted to NCCCO at least two weeks prior to applying for class. Experience form can be found here.

For additional information on the Certified Tower Crane Operator certification please contact our training department today.  There are two ways to register: 1) Download your corresponding application below and submit via email, fax or mail or 2) Apply online. Any way you prefer to register, please submit your application one week prior to class start.              

Certification Exam Requirements: 

NCCCO Tower Crane Operator

Training starts at $2,200

Class is open to both new and recertification candidates, with operating experience.

The Certified Tower Crane Operator Class is designed to prepare experienced operators for their certification test. Our class offers an in-depth look at laws, regulations and knowledge to prepare candidates for the NCCCO Tower Crane Operator Certification exams. The class is conducted over a period of four days, three days of training and one day of testing. The class includes training, written, and practical testing.

Classroom training runs from 8am to 4pm each day. Candidates will have ample time to familiarize and practice, hands-on, with the machines throughout the week. Additional hands-on training is available to candidates if desired, at an additional cost. Please contact our sales team to discuss additional hands-on training.

Written Exams

The Tower Crane written exam consists of a single examination in Tower Crane operation. This esamination has 55 multiple-choice questions, six of which are load chart questions.  Candidates are allowed 60 minutes to complete the exam.  Candidates meeting eligibility requirements may take the written and practical examinations in either order.

Practical Exams

The Certified Tower Crane Practical Examination demonstrating crane operator proficiency may be taken on the following crane types: Hammerhead • Luffer • Self-Erecting 

For additional information on the Certified Tower Crane Operator certification please contact our training department today.  There are two ways to register: 1) Download your corresponding application below and submit via email, fax or mail or 2) Apply online. Any way you prefer to register, please submit your application one week prior to class start.                     

*Certified Tower Crane Operator Classes are held at our Tennessee and New Jersey Locations. 

Training starts at $2,500

Class is open to both new and recertification candidates, with operating experience.

Here at Crawford Custom, we strive to provide the most accurate and informative courses possible. In preparation for the very challenging Lift Director course, we are taking the extra effort to ensure the accuracy of our materials. Please feel free to contact us regarding our progress and availability of this course.

The Lift Director Written Examination consists of a Core Examination and Specialty Examinations for the Lift Director—Mobile Cranes and Lift Director—Tower Cranes certifications. Each candidate must also successfully pass the respective operator exam and/or the Rigger Level II exam; however, currently CCO-certified operators are not required to take the corresponding operator exam, as long as they maintain their certification status in good standing. Similarly, those who are certified as Rigger Level II do not need to take the Rigger Level II written exam.

The Core Lift Director Exam contains 40 questions that must be completed in 60 minutes. The Lift Director—Mobile Cranes Specialty Exam contains 15 questions that must be completed in 120 minutes. The Lift Director—Tower Cranes Specialty Exam contains 15 questions that must be completed in 60 minutes. To provide each candidate with a fair and standardized administration of the written examination(s), and to ensure the reliability and validity of the written examinations is maintained, it is not recommended that a candidate schedule written exams totaling more than six hours of testing time on the same day.

For additional information on the Certified Lift Director certification please contact our training department today.  There are two ways to register: 1) Download your corresponding application below and submit via email, fax or mail or 2) Apply online. Any way you prefer to register, please submit your application one week prior to class start.               

The table below details the exams necessary for each Lift Director certification.


Training starts at $1,300

Class is open to both new and recertification candidates, with operating experience.

The Certified Rigger and Signal Person certifications consist of classroom training, written and practical examinations.


A Certified Rigger Level I can perform simple, repetitive rigging tasks when the load weight, center of gravity, the rigging, and rigging configuration are provided or known by the rigger through experience or on-the-job training prior to the rigging activities. Specifically, Level I Riggers should be able to demonstrate or have knowledge of how to:

• Inspect rigging before use

• Identify and attach rigging with basic knowledge of hitch configurations, capacities, and basic knots

• Recognize associated hazards

• Signal operations

• Use various types of rigging equipment and basic hitches and their applications


In addition to knowing and demonstrating Rigger Level I knowledge and skills, a Certified Rigger Level II can select rigging components and procedures based on rigging capacity. A Level II Rigger can perform the following rigging tasks unsupervised:

• Estimate load weight and center of gravity

• Identify lift points

• Determine and select rigging based on loading

• Perform pre-use inspection of rigging and lift points

• Identify and attach rigging with knowledge of hitch configurations and load angle factors, rigging capacities, and load integrity

• Understand load dynamics and associated hazards


The Signal Person certification requires the candidate to demonstrate proficiency in giving both hand signals and voice commands. The course also assesses the candidate’s understanding of crane dynamics and crane operations per OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1428

For additional information on the Certified Rigger/Signal Person certification please contact our training department today.  There are two ways to register: 1) Download your corresponding application below and submit via email, fax or mail or 2) Apply online. Any way you prefer to register, please submit your application one week prior to class start.                         


Training starts at $1,850

Class is open to both new and recertification candidates, with operating experience.

The Certified Articulating Crane Operator Class is designed to prepare experienced operators for their certification test. Our class offers an in-depth look at laws, regulations and knowledge to prepare candidates for the Certified Articulating Crane Operator Certification exams. The class is conducted over a period of three days, two days of training and one day of testing.

Classroom training runs from 8am to 4pm each day. Candidates will have ample time to familiarize and practice, hands-on, with the machines throughout the class. Additional hands-on training is available to candidates if desired, at an additional cost. Please contact our sales team to discuss additional hands-on training.

Written Exams

The Written Examination program consists of three examinations. Candidates choose from these based on the certification designation(s) they seek.

Candidates are given 90 minutes to complete each of the Written Examinations:

• Articulating Boom Crane (ABC)—65 questions

• Articulating Boom Crane w/Winch (ABW)—75 questions

• Articulating Boom Loader (ABL)—50 questions

Candidates meeting the eligibility requirements may take either the Written Examination or the Practical Examination first.

Practical Exams

The Practical Examination demonstrates crane operator proficiency and is available for two crane types:

• Articulating Boom Cranes (ABC)

• Articulating Boom Loaders (ABL)

To be NCCCO-certified for a five-year period, candidates must pass the Written Exam of their choice and at least one corresponding Practical Exam.

For additional information on the Certified Tower Crane Operator certification please contact our training department today.  There are two ways to register: 1) Download your corresponding application below and submit via email, fax or mail or 2) Apply online. Any way you prefer to register, please submit your application one week prior to class start.

Certification Exam Options 



















These crane categories apply whether the crane is mounted to a truck or a crawler chassis.

Training starts at $1,850

Class is open to both new and recertification candidates, with operating experience.


The Certified Service Truck Crane Operator certification (STC) is a subcategory of the CCO Telescopic Boom – Fixed Cab (TSS) certification [similar to the CCO Boom Truck – Fixed Cab (BTF) certification] and was developed specifically for the industries that use these smaller machines.

Service truck cranes are identified by their telescopic boom, where the base and mast structure is not integral to the stabilizer/outrigger system.  Lifting is typically accomplished via a winch (electric or hydraulic) and its functions (rotation, elevation, telescoping) are either powered or manual. These machines tend to have relatively shorter boom lengths (10-35ft) and lower capacities (1-7 tons) as compared to there Telescopic Boom – Fixed Cab machines (e.g., Boom Trucks, Carry Deck cranes). Additionally, operations are usually conducted by the use of radio remote or pendant control with the operator standing on the ground following the load.


Our Certified Service Truck Operator class is designed to prepare candidates, with proper knowledge, to obtain their NCCCO Service Truck Operator certification. Our classroom material covers topics such as:

• Laws & Regulations

• Site Assessment

• Inspections

• Leveling The Crane

• Outriggers & Blocking

• Safety Devices

• Operational Aids

• Handling The Load

• Ground Conditions

• Pinch Points

• Safe Shutdown

• Common Hazards

• Crane Dynamics/Stability

• Power Line Safety

• Signals & Communications

• Wire Rope

• Basic Rigging Practices

• Load Chart Interpretation


For additional information on the Certified Service Truck certification please contact our training department today.  There are two ways to register: 1) Download your corresponding application below and submit via email, fax or mail or 2) Apply online. Any way you prefer to register, please submit your application one week prior to class start.

Please note that the CCO Telescopic Boom – fixed Cab Operator (TSS) and Boom Truck – Fixed Cab (BTF) certifications cover service truck cranes.  Operators of service truck cranes who currently possess a TSS or BTF certification are not required to also posses the Service Truck crane Operator certification.  The reverse is not true, however.  STC certification is intended only for operators of service truck cranes and not for those who operate larger telescopic boom – fixed cab or boom truck – fixed cab cranes. To be certified to operate all TSS cranes, candidates must achieve the full TSS certification (Core + TSS specialty written + TSS practical) To be certified to operate all BTF cranes, candidates must achieve the full BTF certification (Core + BTF specialty written + TSS practical taken on a boom truck)

digger-derrick-drilling-holeTraining starts at $1,850

Class is open to both new and recertification candidates, with operating experience.

The certified digger derrick operator directly controls the functions of a digger derrick.  The operator demonstrates competence in planning work tasks, assessing the suitability of the equipment for the assigned task, positioning, setup, and operation of the equipment in a competent manner, and aspects of safety associated with the digger derrick, equipment, load, and worksite conditions. 

Written and Practical Exam

The digger derrick operator written examination has 75 multiple-choice questions.  Candidates are allowed 90 minutes to complete the written examination.  You must pass both the written exam and the practical exam to be certified for a five-year period.  Candidates meeting the eligibility requirements may take either the written or practical examinations first. 

You will have ample time during the training for hands-on experience prior to your practical exam.

For additional information on the Certified Tower Crane Operator certification please contact our training department today.  There are two ways to register: 1) Download your corresponding application below and submit via email, fax or mail or 2) Apply online. Any way you prefer to register, please submit your application one week prior to class start.                        


We can accommodate for individuals or corporations, on site or off site. Just contact us today!

When you have decided or have more question, please indicate which plan you’d like to choose either by clicking the ‘choose plan’ or calling toll-free 1-877-933-9600

4 Hour Training Plus Exam

$ 650
  • Practice time on crane
  • Expert instructors on-hand
  • Practical exam
  • All NCCCO fees included
  • Additional practice time available for $125/hour

One-On-One Training

$ 150 HOUR
  • Practice time on crane
  • One-on-one expert instructions
  • Familiarize with controls
  • Prepare for practical exam

Customized Training

  • Practice time on crane
  • Expert instructors on-hand
  • Practical exam
  • On site or off site training
  • Completely customized for your exact needs


Here at Crawford Custom Consulting, Inc., we develop customized classroom training that is proven and effective to provide candidates with quality and personalized training. Our staff is dedicated to teaching candidates the proper material and ensure that they fully understand the information that is being taught. Some competitors “guarantee” a passing grade. Our trainers work with you not just to achieve the passing grade, but a passing candidate that has been properly trained. 



Crawford Custom offers many different OSHA qualified courses. We can  customize a course to fit your particular application at one of our three facilities or at your establishment.  To find out more about a specific course or to discuss a custom need, contact our sales team today.

Crawford Custom Qualified Rigger/Signal course has been developed for those workers in charge of rigging loads for crane operation, and covers the knowledge needed by a worker to safely and properly perform the many tasks required of a rigger/signal person.

The crane rigger/signal person has many responsibilities and plays an integral part in the safety of a job site where cranes are in operation.  This course, built from, and adhering to, the OSHA, ASME and ANSI standards, will help to properly prepare a rigger/signal person to do their job safely and correctly. Federal OSHA §1926.1428 requires that persons who rigger/signal cranes in construction activities receive training and testing to qualify as competent. This program is a one-day course of classroom instruction with two written exams, one for rigger and one for signal, followed by an individual practical exam.

Becoming a Qualified Rigger/Signal Person makes you more marketable and often means a higher pay rate.  As an employer, having a properly trained and Qualified Rigger/Signal Person makes your job site safer for everyone working around moving loads.

Course Content:

• Current Legislation and Regulations

• Safety Requirements

• Testing and Examinations

• Definition and Principles of lifting Equipment

• Safe Approach to Lifting

• Planning a Rigging Operation

• Risk Assessment

• Pre-use Inspection

• Installation of lifting equipment

• Correct slinging of loads

• Practical exercise

• Hand signals

• Voice signals

• Crane configurations

• Crane operation

• Power lines safety

Once training is completed, Crawford Custom will provide each passing student with a Qualification Card that’s valid for 3 years, as proof of completed training.


To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how.


Aerial lift platforms are great tools to conduct work at heights.  They provide quick access to work areas anywhere between 10 to 100 feet or more in the air.  Collectively, aerial lifts are called Mobile Elevated Work Platforms, but individually, they have many different types.

Operators, supervisors directly overseeing aerial lift use, and even maintenance personnel must be trained specific to save operations, inspection, maintenance, rescue and the like.

These different groups need not only have a knowledge of how to safely perform needed tasks, but also need to prove it by way of being observed in the field.

Regulations specify that an operator must take a refresher course if any of the following apply:

• The operator is observed operating the equipment in an unsafe manner.

• The operator is involved in an accident or a near miss

• The operator received a poor evaluation of performance.

• The operator is required to use a different type of machine or attachment.

• Workplace conditions have changed.

Each operator must be re-evaluated to determine the frequency of refresher training, however, three years is commonly accepted amount of time by which to re-train and re-evaluate operators.


To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 


These truck mounted cranes can be used for multiple work applications, such as electric line maintenance and construction, transmission and distribution, tree trimming and other related uses. Articulating cranes, which are also known as knuckle boom cranes, are designed to be lightweight and highly maneuverable for maximum payload while working in tight spaces.

In the Articulating Crane Training you will learn:

• Site and Set-up

• Safe Operations

• Daily Inspections

• Lift, Rotate and Load

• Secure Crane when Leaving Controls

• Operate in various weather and environmental conditions

• Understand the functions of an OLP system

• Dynamic Loading

• Side Loading

• Securing for Transit

• Verify Weight

• Basic Rigging Devices and Procedures

• Winch Knowledge

• Load Charts


To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 

An overhead crane, commonly called a bridge crane, is a type of crane found in industrial environments. An overhead crane consists of parallel runways with a traveling bridge spanning the gap. A hoist, the lifting component of a crane, travels along the bridge. If the bridge is rigidly supported on two or more legs running on a fixed rail at ground level, the crane is called a gantry crane or a goliath crane.

In this training course we will cover the following topics:

• General Crane/Hoist Safety Rules

– Safe Operating Practices

– Operator requirements/responsibilities

– Operator training requirements

• Inspections

– Daily requirements

– Frequent/monthly inspections

– Periodic/annual inspections

– Wire rope inspections & reeving

• Chains/Slings Safe Operating Procedures

– General Rigging Inspections

– Rigging/Lifting Equipment

– Center o Gravity/Side Loading

• Safe Lifting Practices

– Static/Dynamic Loads

– Safe Rigging/Lifting of Loads

– Making a Safe Lift

– Determining the Correct Weight of the Load

• OSHA/ANSI Standards

To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 

A service truck, also referred to as a mechanic truck, contractor truck, or utility truck, can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including preventative maintenance on utilities, minor mechanical repairs to vehicles and equipment, welding, and landscaping in high-clearance areas that require a bucket to reach.

In this Qualified Service Truck Operator course you will learn:

• Safe operation of the specific type of equipment he/she intends to operate

• Controls and operational/performance characteristics

• Use of, and the ability to calculate, load/capacity information

• Procedures for preventing and responding to power line contact

• Technical knowledge of ground conditions, site access and hazards

• Able to read and locate relevant information in the equipment manual and other manuals

• Operational and maneuvering skills

• Recognize and perform a shift inspection

• Application of load chart information

• Application of safe shut-down and securing procedures.

To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 

A digger derrick is nothing more than a truck mounted crane that has the additional feature of being able to dig with an auger attachment. Truck mounted digger derricks can vary in design and capabilities, depending on the manufacturer and the specific application.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

    1. Perform a frequent inspection on your digger or crane using the daily and monthly pre-inspection check list.
    2. Determine the safety of a lift using the boom angle indicator and unit load chart.
    3. Demonstrate safe and proper operation of you digger or crane observing company safety rules, OSHA and DOT regulations, and manufacturer’s recommendations.
    4. Demonstrate correct pole pulling procedures using manufacturer’s recommendations and company accepted practices.

Demonstrate correct digger or crane grounding procedures using company rules, OSHA regulations and industry accepted practices.

To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 

No matter the brand, loaders share a variety of characteristics that make them suitable for a wide range of tasks.  They are maneuverable, due to their ability to turn in their own tracks; they are compact, allowing them access to areas larger equipment cannot go; and they are extremely versatile, with the ability to use scores of attachments for any number of jobs. They are, truly a “jack-of-all-trades.”

Across most industries, they can be seen being used to accomplish a variety of tasks including but not limited to:

• Earthmoving on a building site

• Material handling/heavy lifting

• Landscaping parks or yards

• Grading/leveling

• Loading/unloading trailers

• Demolition

• Sweeping dirt and debris

• Snow removal

• Drilling with an auger attachment

• Pavement milling

• Trenching and excavation

• Sweeping/site clean-up

Because of their versatility, there is some confusion about the standard under which skid steers fall.  Do they qualify as forklifts, earthmoving equipment or both?  According to OSHA’s March 7, 2000 Letter of Interpretations, if the “equipment was designed to move earth but has been modified to accept forks,” then “it would not be considered a powered industrial truck within the scope of 1910.178, the standard for low and high lift trucks.

In this course you will learn the set-up and safe operation of skid steer loaders, also commonly called skid steers or skid loaders.  We will also talk about their close cousin, the compact track loader or multi-terrain loader, which looks similar, but comes equipped with tracks instead of wheels.

According to 29 CFR 1910.178, an operator must take a refresher course if any of the following apply:

• The operator is observed operating the equipment in an unsafe manner (e.g. no seat belt, reckless driving, etc.)

• The operator is involved in an accident or a near miss

• The operator received a poor evaluation for performance

• The operator is required to use a different type of machine or attachment

• Workplace conditions have changed.

Additionally, outside of that, 1926.64 (g)(2) states that “The employer shall determine the appropriate frequency of refresher training.”

To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 

A bucket truck is a work truck with an attached aerial lift. They are designed to safely lift people into the air to perform work that can’t be easily or safely reached even with a ladder. Bucket trucks are commonly seen on highways, suburban side streets, and country back roads. Bucket trucks are great tools to conduct work at heights and increase production efficiency.  These machines lift personnel, along with tools and materials, from 10-12 feet in the air to as high as 100 feet.

In this course you will learn about the set-up and safe operation of vehicle mounted aerial lifts.  Crawford Custom Consulting strives to provide information that will increase your knowledge and help to make you a better operator.

OSHA regulations specify that an operator must take a refresher course if any of the following apply:

• The operator is observed operating the equipment in an unsafe manner (e.g. no seat belt, reckless driving, etc.)

• The operator is involved in an accident or a near miss

• The operator received a poor evaluation for performance

• The operator is required to use a different type of machine or attachment

• Workplace conditions have changed.

Additionally, outside of that, 1926.64 (g)(2) states that “The employer shall determine the appropriate frequency of refresher training.”


To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 

In this course, operators will learn about the safe operation of telescopic forklifts and industrial forklifts.  We will strive to provide information that will increase your knowledge and help make you a better operator:

• Safety training

• Equipment Anatomy & Inspections

• Stability of Forklifts

• Safe Operations of Load Handling

• Re-fueling & Battery Care

• 6 Most Common Hazards

• Learn the 4 Types of Forklifts

When you complete this training, you should be familiar with the types of forklifts used by your company, have an increased knowledge of how to inspect them and safely operate them and be able to recognize and avoid the most common hazards associated with their use.


To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 

The following topics are included in the Qualified Crane Operator Safety Training:

• Load Charts

• Daily Inspection

• Crane Set-up

• Leveling the Crane

• OSHA & ANSI Standards

• Operating Practices

• Operator Responsibilities

• Static/Dynamic Loads

• Center of Gravity

• Radius, Boom Length, Boom Angle

• Stability

• Side Loading

• Load Chart Interpretations & Calculations

• Multiple Crane Lifts

• Pick & Carry Practices

• Outrigger Usage

• Wire Rope

• Safe Rigging Practices

• Rigging & Hardware Practices

• Personnel Platforms

• Critical Lifts

• Hand & Voice Signals


To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 

In line with OSHA requirements, anyone who operates heavy equipment must receive training prior to operating the machine on their own.  OSHA requirements for refresher training as they relate to forklifts are very specific.  they are not so specific, however for most other types of equipment. While this may change in the near future, it does not hurt to incorporate the same standards.

The Standard specifies that an operator must receive a refresher course if any of the following apply:

    1. The operator is observed operating the equipment in unsafe manner
    2. The operator is involved in an accident or a near miss
    3. The operator received a poor evaluation for performance
    4. The operator is required to use a different type of machine or attachment
    5. Workplace conditions have changed

The standard also says that every three years each operator must be evaluated to see if they ae still competent to operate the equipment.

Loader Backhoes are very common in the construction industry.  They are often used for a variety of tasks including but not limited to construction, small demolitions, transportation of building materials, power building equipment, removing dirt or debris, digging holes, excavation, landscaping, breaking asphalt, grading/scraping, and paving roads.

By the time you complete this training in conjunction with both the written and practical exams, you should be ready to operate a loader backhoe.  You will be familiar with the equipment used by your company, have an increase knowledge of how to set up and safely operate them, and be able to recognize and avoid the most common hazards associates with their use.

To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 

A wheel loader is designed to re-handle, load and transport loose material if equipped with appropriate attachments, i.e., bucket, grapple, or lift forks.  It is not designed to crush, rip apart or compact loaded material.

    1. Ensure that the operator is properly trained to operate the equipment in the material handling at hand.
    2. The operator must be completely familiar with the layout and operation of all wheel loader controls, monitors and indicators.
    3. The operator must be aware of the location of all underground and above ground utilities at the jobsite.
    4. Access the machine using a three-point stance on ladders, steps and handholds provided.


To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 

Falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry and are a leading cause of death and serious injury in many other industries.  For employees to safely work at heights, they and their employer must understand and implement OSHA’s fall protection requirements. 

Crawford Custom Consulting’s Fall Protection Safety Training will cover:

• OSHA’s requirements for fall protection training.

• Where and when is fall protection required for various industries.

• The 4 methods of fall protection, and how to implement them.

– Eliminating falls

– Arresting falls

– Administrative control

– Fall prevention

• Fitting, testing and using the PFAS

To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 

According to the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA), a crane inspector should have at least 2,000 field hours of experience directly related to the maintenance, servicing, repairing, modifying and functional testing of cranes and the hoist equipment.

In this Qualified Crane Inspector class you will learn:

• The Need for Inspection and Inspection Intervals

• How to Read & Apply OSHA & ASME Standards

• Inspector Qualifications

• Lockout/Tagout

• Load Chart Interpretation & Load Testing

• Safe Operating Practices

• In-Depth Discussion of Tools Used in Inspections

• Inspection of Various Components of Carriers, Superstructures and Booms as Required by Federal Regulations, Consensus Standards and Manufacturer Requirements

• Factors Affecting Lifting Capabilities

• Types of Nondestructive Testing – Advantages and Disadvantages

• Information Presented on Inspection Forms


Competent Person

Capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.

Qualified Person

A person who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience, successfully demonstrated the ability to solve/resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.

Who can perform an inspection?

Competent Person

• Shift

• Monthly (documented with records kept for minimum 3 months)

Qualified Person

• Modified Equipment

• Repaired/Adjusted Equipment

• Post-Assembly

• Annual (documented with records kept for minimum 12 months)

• Equipment not in regular use (idle for 3 months or more) must be inspected by a qualified person in accordance with monthly inspection criteria before initial use.


To set up training for yourself or your employees, please call one of our friendly training crew members at 1-877-933-9600. We can customize training to fit your needs, just ask us how. 


video training coming in 2021

Self-Study NCCCO Study Guides are already here! 

Ccc computer anthony crane

We will be offering three online options:


      1. Live Training
      2. Video Training
      3. Study Guides


Study Guides are available now with seven NCCCO certification course training options. More courses will continue to be added. Study Guides are at your own pace, however it’s only the training material without the video guidance.  The study guide packet is shipped right to your door. Purchase your Study Guide today.  


Live Training are scheduled courses jut like our in-person training, but done via video. Course material will be downloadable, so you can choose to print or not. 


Video Training will be pre-recorded trainings, you can start learning at any time and at your own pace. Just like live video, your material is downloadable to print at your home or office.

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